
Do 你 enjoy using critical thinking and problem solving skills to help make healthcare 针对不同人群的决策? 你是一个有能力、有同情心的人吗 沟通者? 网赌正规真人实体在线平台学院的职业生涯可能是完美的选择 为你! 网赌正规真人实体在线平台职业需要在各种环境中照顾个人 utilizing cutting-edge technology, promoting health and wellness, as well as encouraging 健康的生活方式. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台学院提供各种课程、认证 以及许多医疗保健职业的学位. 课程从几个月的学习, 到一年制和两年制AAS学位. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台还提供注册护士到理学学士学位 护理学学士学位和口腔卫生学应用科学学士学位.

The BAS in 社区 Health program prepares graduates with previous experience or 医疗保健、急救人员或社会科学领域的职业课程 支持患者和社区成员享有卫生公平和可及性. 社区 health workers function as vital members of the healthcare team and help to improve 医疗保健服务的质量和文化能力.


即将到来的!! 这个项目的目的是让学生掌握知识 以及在牙科诊所当助理所需要的实用技能. 与课程 covering dental terminology, anatomy, infection control, oral radiography, four-handed dentistry, and dental materials, our students graduate with a comprehensive understanding 野外的. 此外,我们的动手临床经验,确保学生 are well prepared to work with patients, assist dentists and dental hygienists, and 管理任务. 毕业生准备满足证书要求 for practice as a dental assistant in Washington State, and may find employment in a variety of settings, including private dental 办公室, community health centers, 和医院. 加入我们,开始你的牙医事业之旅 协助!


牙科保健员在牙科领域有一项重要的工作. 卫生员会帮上忙 to prevent the decay of teeth as well as 损失 of teeth due to gum infection and bone 损失. 我们项目的毕业生将通过测试来评估患者的口腔健康 x光片,提供口腔卫生指导,提供牙齿清洁和学习方法 把馅料. 毕业生将准备参加国家委员会的笔试 and three clinical board exams to receive a license to practice as a Registered Dental 保健师. 颁发的学位为应用科学口腔卫生学士学位 给这个项目的毕业生.


这 program will train 你 to work in the out-of-hospital setting on ambulances or fire engines with the goal of stabilizing patients suffering trauma or medical emergencies. 这个项目每年春季和秋季开始,持续15周.


Take the first step towards an advanced career in dental 协助 with our EFDA program. Designed to prepare students for expanded functions in dentistry, our program covers everything from legal and ethical aspects of dental practice to practical techniques 对于恢复性手术. 课堂授课与实践相结合 laboratory experience, students will gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide 在持牌牙医的监督下提供高质量的牙科护理. 不管你是 a recent graduate of an accredited dental 协助 program, or an experienced dental 希望提高您的技能的助理,我们的EFDA计划是完美的适合 你.


学习 principles of firefighting, an all hazards career that manages wild land and 建筑火灾、危险物品和救援. 你将建立技能并学习 the social, political and economic concepts related to fire science while learning 如何保护和支持你的社区. 这个项目是开放注册的,你可以 随时开始.


Become prepared for entry-level careers in sterile processing and materiel management. You will be trained to decontaminate and sterilize therapeutic and diagnostic equipment, 再加工用外科器械和医疗用品. 获得广泛的实践 在这个两个季度的项目中进行培训.


You will be a valuable team member in a medical office after being trained in patient 细心和前台服务技能
门诊办公室,诊所或流动护理设置. 选择短期证书 as a Medical Secretary (front office skills only) or continue to get a one year certificate 医疗助理或AAS学位. 成功完成课程后,您 will be able to take the Certified 医疗助理 exam certification through the 美国医疗助理协会. 认证后,您将有资格 通过华盛顿州申请MA-C执照.


当前的放射技术专家或有执照的art将能够采取先进的 classes to learn Computed Tomography (CT), Bone Densitometry, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)和乳房x光检查.


Nuclear medicine is a branch of radiology that uses radioactive materials to image 并在某些情况下引起治疗效果. 核医学技术人员 prepare radioactive drugs and administer them to patients for imaging or therapeutic 目的. 他们在医院、影像中心工作,有时也在医生办公室工作. 职业生涯 options include cross-training into other modalities of radiology, specialization within nuclear medicine, becoming a supervisor or manager and becoming a medical physicist 或者健康物理学家.


网赌正规真人实体在线平台 nursing graduates are proud to consistently achieve one of the highest rates of passage of first-time candidates on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) 华盛顿州预备注册护士协会学位.


Individuals who have completed the ADN program and obtained a Washington State RN license are eligible to apply to 网赌正规真人实体在线平台’s RN-BSN program to earn a Bachelor of Science 学位. 这个项目允许在职护士继续他们的在线教育 偶尔在教室里进行面对面的会议. 提高他们的护理技能 industry will allow them to broaden the scope of their practice and take on leadership/management 任务.


Individuals who have completed an LPN program and have obtained a Washington State LPN license are eligible to apply to 网赌正规真人实体在线平台’s LPN to BSN program to earn a Bachelor of 护理学学位. 该计划允许工作的lpn继续他们的教育 online throughout the week with laboratory and clinical courses offered in person 在周末. 完成课程后,学生有资格参加 NCLEX-RN考试并获得注册护士执照. 


护理助理 students who successfully complete this ten-week program of course work, labs and clinical hours will receive a Certification of Completion from DSHS 并有资格参加NNAAP考试.


The paramedic program is substantially more training than the EMT program and covers 院外环境中高级救生护理的额外技能. 这 项目每年6月和1月开始,持续18个月.


Individuals who are a current RN are able to take this advanced training to work alongside 外科专业人员在手术室. 学生们将接受耐心的教育 手术前、手术中和手术后的护理.


学习 knowledge and skills to function as a member of a laboratory healthcare team 在不同的环境下通过这个两个季度的计划. 你将学习如何画画 blood, collect and prepare specimens, provide clear instructions to patients and more.


Radiologic technologists work directly with patients and physicians performing sophisticated diagnostic x-ray procedures including film and image processing with a variety of 技术设备. 成功完成课程后,您将能够 获得美国放射技师注册(ARRT)认证.


害怕你会说西班牙语? 你想在医疗保健领域发展你的双语技能吗 场? Certified medical interpreters work in a variety of clinical settings, facilitating 患者和医疗团队之间的沟通.

The three-quarter program in 西班牙医学口译 prepares students with foundational 具备口译和双语医学术语的技能. 该课程结合了课堂教学 具有医疗保健诊所实际经验的教学. 这个程序每天都启动。 秋季学期,申请者必须通过入学考试才能被录取. 


工作 alongside surgeons and other operating room (OR) professionals as 你 provide 在各种专科侵入性手术中的病人护理. 外科手术技术 set up the OR, prepare the sterile 场, perform counts, pass instruments and supplies 并确保整个操作过程中的安全.



网赌正规真人实体在线平台 卫生科学学院


2019年RN NCLEX考试首次通过率




Partnerships with clinical facilities - hospitals, clinics, labs, dental and doctor 办公室



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  • 电子邮件:healthsciences@granescalatt.com

  • 电话:509-544-8300

  • 地址:北门博士891号.华盛顿州里奇兰,99352

  • 办公时间:星期一至四:上午七时至下午四时三十分星期五:上午7时至中午
